Thursday, October 31, 2019

Criminology - Gangs (MS-13) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminology - Gangs (MS-13) - Essay Example However, the stiff affiliation to the group led to the eruption of criminal activities in the American region as the group’s majority members were poor, and executed any criminal act in order to achieve their perceived lifestyles. The perception that the cultural theory influenced the gangs formation emanates from the evidence presented by the video that presents different interviews sourced from the former gang members. It is known that many of the gang members are teenagers while others are as young as eight years old (Siegel & Welsh, 2014). The argument accrued from the information provokes the understanding that the gang embraces the use of criminal ideologies to rob, assassinate, and vandalize properties at the expense of the rival people in the American community (Strippas, 2014). Therefore, the use of the cultural theory is the influential aspect that has led to the rise of illiteracy levels amongst the highly connected criminal organization that has been a menace in the Northern Virginia region amongst other American states (Baumeister & Masicampo, 2010). The Mara Salvatrucha- 13 Gang started in Los-Angeles from the Pico-Union, an organization that comprised Salvadorans who had migrated into America following the Central American civil wars. The 13 numerical sign emanated from the M alphabet, which is the thirteenth alphabet. Arguably, a notorious gangster called Eme initially used the alphabet. It is evident that the social environment influenced a majority of the Salvadorans to embrace the movement as they lived under poor conditions. In the present, the MS-13 Gang’s membership is estimated to comprise a population exceeding 100,000 members who are spread in over 42 states in the U.S.A. The notorious gang is renowned for its use of subculture codes in communication. Further, the gang members bear tattoos on their

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Art market and How does it influence the production of contemporary Essay

Art market and How does it influence the production of contemporary art - Essay Example The essay "Art market and How does it influence the production of contemporary art" discusses what influence has art market on the production of contemporary art. Art therefore has always had something to do with financial compensation, as Colin Painter has pointed out. Serious art’s criticality is....both economic and ideological. What sustains its specific character and social value is its political economy. The serious art world is at core an argument about value. It is an argument about aesthetic, moral, social and political or whatever value but it is also, and indissolubly, an argument about financial value. The art market then, deals with the buying and selling of art and has its set of players just as in any area of commerce. Tyler Cowen aptly interprets art in its economic aspects. Art markets consist of artists, consumers, and middlemen, or distributors. Artists work to achieve self-fulfillment, fame, and niches. The complex motivations behind artistic creation inclu de love of the beautiful, love of money, love of fame, personal arrogance, and inner compulsions. ..Consumers and patrons stand as the artist’s silent partners..... consumer and patron demands for artworks finance the market....Distributors bring together producer and consumer......The resultant meeting of supply and demand fuels the creative drive and disseminates its results. ...Creators respond to both internal and external forces. Internal forces include the artist’s love of creating, demands for money and fame.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cultuur en Opvoeding

Cultuur en Opvoeding Interculturele Pedagogiek Extra opdracht Beoordeling Cultuur en opvoeding Cultuur en Opvoeding. Een recensie over het boek van Lotty Eldering. De discussie over het multiculturele karakter van de Nederlandse samenleving keert herhaaldelijk terug. Eà ©n van de redenen hiervoor is de toename van immigranten en vluchtelingen uit niet-westerse landen naar Nederland. Prof. dr. Lotty Eldering, emeritus hoogleraar Interculturele Pedagogiek aan de Universiteit Leiden, heeft vijfentwintig jaar lang onderzoek gedaan onder allochtone gezinnen. Naar aanleiding van dit onderzoek heeft ze begin 2002 een overzichtwerk geschreven, waarin aandacht wordt besteed aan zowel de huidige (opvoedings-)situatie van allochtone ouders en kinderen, als hun voorgeschiedenis en de daarbij behorende cultuur als hun verdere leefsituatie. Dit boek heet Cultuur en Opvoeding. Interculturele pedagogiek vanuit ecologisch perspectief. Niet eerder was er een studieboek verschenen over het onderwerp interculturele pedagogiek. Lotty Eldering is een van de eerste schrijfsters die zulk grondige informatie verschafte over de nieuw bevolkingsgroepen die in Nederland binnenkomen. Het doel van dit boek is het bij te dragen aan het tot stand komen van een beter inzicht in de culturele orià «ntatie en sociale positie van allochtone ouders en jeugdigen. Daarnaast is het de bedoeling de culturele sensitiviteit, ten opzicht van deze mensen, van haar lezers te vergroten. Het boek is bestemd voor een groot publiek, namelijk studenten en docenten die zich willen verdiepen in de opvoeding en leefwijze van allochtone jongeren, praktijkwerkers, onderzoekers en anderen die behoefte hebben aan kennis en inzicht van cultuur op de opvoeding. Daarnaast is het ook handig als naslagwerk te gebruiken. In Cultuur en opvoeding wordt de manier van opvoeden van allochtonen in Nederland duidelijk besproken, zodat je er een goed beeld van kan vormen. Telkens wordt hierbij ook gesproken over de islamitische en de hindoestaanse manier van opvoeden. De religie en tradities van deze groepen worden hierbij ook behandeld om een beeld te krijgen hoe zich dit in de Nederlandse samenleving inpast. Ook wordt hier een vergelijking gemaakt met de Nederlandse gewoontes en de christelijke opvoeding. Nederland wordt hier gezien als multiculturele samenleving, door toename van het aantal immigranten en vluchtelingen die afkomstig zijn uit niet-westerse samenlevingen. Wat hier allemaal bij komt kijken wordt beschreven te samen met de waarden en normen in Nederland. Eldering schrijft vanuit een ecologisch perspectief. Dit perspectief gaat er van uit dat de sociale en culturele context van het gezin, de omgeving, grote invloed heeft op de opvoeding en ontwikkeling van het kind. Tot nu toe is het ecologisch raamwerk voornamelijk gebruikt bij het bestuderen van een stereoculturele omgeving en niet, zoals Eldering doet, bij het bestuderen van kinderen die opgroeien in een multiculturele samenleving. Eldering beschrijft kritisch het ecologische model en het developmental niche model (ontwikkelingsgebieden) van respectievelijk Bronfenbrenner Harkness en Super. Cultuur en opvoeding geeft de informatie erg beschrijvend weer. Het leven van allochtonen in Nederland wordt beschreven en geÃÆ' ¯llustreerd aan de hand van voorbeelden in aparte kaders. Door het boek loopt over het algemeen een goed volgbare rode draad die de lezer langs al die aspecten leidt. De indeling van het boek verloopt op een logische manier, van het grote algemene (wat zijn allochtonen, waar komen ze vandaan) naar het meer uitgewerkte (hoe wordt er opgevoed, welk risico- en probleemgedrag komen er voor). Doordat de voorgeschiedenis en de cultuur in de landen van herkomst, van de allochtonen gezinnen die in dit boek worden behandeld, eerst toe te lichten kom je tot een beter beeld van deze gezinnen. Ook verklaard dit veel van wat er in de rest van het boek volgt. Deze twee punten hebben namelijk nog steeds invloed op zowel de opvoeding als de andere dagelijkse dingen in de allochtone gezinnen wanneer deze in Nederland wonen. Na een voorwoord van de schrijfster zelf, volgt een inleiding over de interculturele pedagogiek en het gebruik van dit boek. Hierin worden drie theoretische perspectieven, namelijk het ecologische model (invloed omgeving op de opvoedingssituatie), historisch en vergelijkend en acculturatie (dichterbij elkaar komen van mensen uit verschillende culturen) en cultuurverschillen, genoemd die gebruikt zijn in dit boek als richtlijnen. In hoofdstuk 2 worden de identificatiecriteria, herkomst en migratie van allochtonen in Nederland beschreven. De meeste aandacht gaat hier uit naar de (Creoolse en Hindoestaanse) Surinamers, de Marokkanen en de Turken. In hoofdstuk 3 gaat het om het theoretische kader. Hier worden de integratie, het multiculturalisme, het ecologische raamwerk (met hierin het ecologische model van Bronfenbrenner en de devolopment niche van Harkness en Super), de cultuur en de risicofactoren (zowel in het algemeen als speciaal voor allochtone jongeren) beschreven. De religie staat centraal in het volgende hoofdstuk. Hier worden de Islam en het HindoeÃÆ' ¯sme verder uitgewerkt, van het ontstaan tot de komst van dit geloof in Nederland. In hoofdstuk 5 draait het om de maatschappelijke participatie en de culturele orià «ntatie van de allochtonen hier in Nederland. Hier komen onder andere de sociale positie, taal en de banden met het land van herkomst aan bod. In hoofdstuk 6 gaat het boek vervolgens verder met de crossculturele verschillen in opvoeding. Hier wordt het socialisatiemodel van Kagità §ibasi en visies op kinderen en hun ontwikkelingen behandeld en de punten opvoeding, leren en identiteit worden nader uitgelegd. In hoofdstuk 7 gaat Eldering daarop door, want hier staat de opvoeding van allochtonen gezinnen centraal. Dit is geschreven vanuit de allochtonen gezinnen (Marokkaans, Turks, Surinaams) zelf. De adolescentie is het onderwerp van hoofdstuk 8. Hier gaat het over relaties (met ouders en leeftijdsgenoten), vrije tijd en vriende n, school en werk, seksualiteit en huwelijk. In het laatste hoofdstuk wordt tot besluit de risicofactoren en het probleemgedrag behandeld. Hier gaat het over wat een belangrijke basis is wat een jongere nodig heeft, welke risicofactoren er zijn en met welke psychosociale problemen ze te maken kunnen hebben. De manier van schrijven, de indeling van het boek en de vele voorbeelden, van zowel tekst als illustraties, maken dit boek tot een leerzaam boek die ook prettig is om te lezen. Wel mist er zo nu en dan wat structuur. Wat tussen hoofdstuk 6 en hoofdstuk 7 wel duidelijk is, is tussen andere hoofdstukken sporadisch. Tussen hoofdstuk   6 en 7 is een duidelijk verband, er wordt in het eerste hoofdstuk een achtergrond geschetst voor de tweede. Vrijwel alles waar aan gedacht wordt bij het denken aan allochtone mensen in Nederland, komen aan de orde. Aspecten die hier worden bedoeld zijn bijvoorbeeld religie, manier van opvoeden, sociale positie en andere cultureel specifieke dingen. Het is een interessant boek voor diegene die geÃÆ' ¯nteresseerd zijn in cultuurverschillen hier in Nederland. Alles bij elkaar maakt dit informatieve boek compleet.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay -- essays papers

Heart of Darkness Darkness permeates every circumstance, scene, and character in Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness. Darkness symbolizes the moral confusion that Charlie Marlow encounters, as well as the moral reconciliation he has within himself while searching for Kurtz. Marlow's morals are challenged numerous times throughout the book; on the Congo river and when he returns to Brussels. Charlie Marlow characterizes the behavior of the colonialists with, "The flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of a rapacious and pitiless folly," (25). Marlow distinguishes "the devil" from violence, greed, and desire. He suggests that the basic evil of imperialism is not that it perpetrates violence against native peoples, or that it is motivated by greed. But that "the flabby, weak-eyed devil," the imperialists, seem to be distinguished by being foolish and unaware. Marlow is appalled by the apathetic attitude towards the sight of death, of the colonials aboard the Nellie. At the grove of the first station, Marlow is troubled by the sight of a man curled up, dying. "I saw a face near my hand†¦black bones†¦white flicker in the depth of the orbs, which died out quickly," (27). Marlow's horror at the grove suggests that the true evils of this colonial company are dehumanizing and deathly. Marlow offers a dying man a few pieces of a biscuit, and despite the fact tha t he is not particularly compassionate, the situation troubles him greatly. During section two of Heart of Darkness, Marlow's professional skills, morals, and work ethics are contrasted with those of the other company employees. To Marlow, work represents the fulfillment of a contract between himself and the company he is working for. Repairing the st... .... His dishonesty was sparked by having compassion for others. Although dishonesty was something Marlow found distasteful at the start of his journey, he felt no remorse in lying to the Intended in Brussels. It is obvious that Marlow can not fully accept the truth himself, and lets the Intended believe that her husband died with a noble purpose, helping the Africans, and uttering her name as his a last words. Fay Weldon believes that, "the writers who get a lasting response from the readers are the writers who offer a happy ending through moral development†¦." In, Heart of Darkness, this statement holds true. Charlie Marlow goes through a period of moral reconciliation throughout the novella. Instances throughout Heart of Darkness show different sides of Charlie Marlow's morals. It is evident that when Marlow has returned to Brussels, that his morals have changed. Heart of Darkness Essay -- essays papers Heart of Darkness Darkness permeates every circumstance, scene, and character in Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness. Darkness symbolizes the moral confusion that Charlie Marlow encounters, as well as the moral reconciliation he has within himself while searching for Kurtz. Marlow's morals are challenged numerous times throughout the book; on the Congo river and when he returns to Brussels. Charlie Marlow characterizes the behavior of the colonialists with, "The flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of a rapacious and pitiless folly," (25). Marlow distinguishes "the devil" from violence, greed, and desire. He suggests that the basic evil of imperialism is not that it perpetrates violence against native peoples, or that it is motivated by greed. But that "the flabby, weak-eyed devil," the imperialists, seem to be distinguished by being foolish and unaware. Marlow is appalled by the apathetic attitude towards the sight of death, of the colonials aboard the Nellie. At the grove of the first station, Marlow is troubled by the sight of a man curled up, dying. "I saw a face near my hand†¦black bones†¦white flicker in the depth of the orbs, which died out quickly," (27). Marlow's horror at the grove suggests that the true evils of this colonial company are dehumanizing and deathly. Marlow offers a dying man a few pieces of a biscuit, and despite the fact tha t he is not particularly compassionate, the situation troubles him greatly. During section two of Heart of Darkness, Marlow's professional skills, morals, and work ethics are contrasted with those of the other company employees. To Marlow, work represents the fulfillment of a contract between himself and the company he is working for. Repairing the st... .... His dishonesty was sparked by having compassion for others. Although dishonesty was something Marlow found distasteful at the start of his journey, he felt no remorse in lying to the Intended in Brussels. It is obvious that Marlow can not fully accept the truth himself, and lets the Intended believe that her husband died with a noble purpose, helping the Africans, and uttering her name as his a last words. Fay Weldon believes that, "the writers who get a lasting response from the readers are the writers who offer a happy ending through moral development†¦." In, Heart of Darkness, this statement holds true. Charlie Marlow goes through a period of moral reconciliation throughout the novella. Instances throughout Heart of Darkness show different sides of Charlie Marlow's morals. It is evident that when Marlow has returned to Brussels, that his morals have changed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

GBE Domestic Politics

Political risk is worth considering because an action or a change n policy in one country can have a big impact on the financial sector and the economy of that country. Political risks are generally associated closely with the government as well as political and security situation in a country. If the political situation is stable, generally business runs smoothly. In terms of the stock market, a conducive political situation would make the stock price go up.Conversely, if the political situation is uncertain, it would cause the element of uncertainty in the business. In Indonesia, after the fall of the New Order, changes in politics and governance was characterized by a significant change in the political system (a process of demagnification) which had opened new opportunities and also new threats to the business community this country. For years, during New Order, political parties in Indonesia were only 3 parties: app, Global, and PDP.After New Order fell (Reformation Era), the nu mber of political parties involved in general election increased significantly. The 1999 general election, the first general election in Reformation Era, was followed by 48 parties. Despite the number of political parties are always changing during the Reformation Era, political situation was relatively stable. The stability also continued under President Silo Bambina Hydrogen. However, in most current general election, few months ago, there were some instabilities in Indonesian politics.This paper will describe these conditions (the last general election) and their impacts on the industry, particularly palm oil industry, using the case of Golden Agric Resources Ltd, one of the biggest palm oil producer in Indonesia. 2. POLITICAL TURMOIL IN 2014 GENERAL ELECTION General election in Indonesia is run in phases, legislative election and presidential election. In 2014 general election, the legislative election was relatively conducive There were 15 political parties participated in the election, including 3 local political parties in Ache.This election was won by PAID with the total vote 18. 95% (whom. Penile. Com), followed by Global and Grainier on the second and third place. It was predicted that since the legislative election was held successfully and the situation was very conducive, reflected by there was no substantial protests or objections from he participants, the presidential election (which had two competing candidates, Parabola Substation-Hat Raja and Joke Widow-USAF Kali) would also run smoothly. However, the facts were totally different.Here are some events or facts that showed the unstable political conditions in Indonesia after presidential election in 2014: Different quick count results In quick count, both parties (Parabola-Hat and Kiowa-Kali) claimed as the winner Of the presidential election. There were some survey organizations stated that the election was won by Parabola-Hat, while the others stated he opposite. ISIS (Center for Strategic & International Studies) through senior researcher, Philip Vermont, stated that there were advantages in Kiowa-Kaki.The figure reached 51. 9 percent, while Parabola-Hat gained 48. 1 percent. There were also some other survey organizations published similar results, stated that the winner was Kiowa-Kali, such as R & D Compass, ISMS (Useful Musician Research and Consulting), and RI. Meanwhile, some other survey organizations indicated otherwise. A quick count conducted by Upstairs (Center for Policy Studies and Development Strategy) cleared that Parabola-Hat won the election by 52. 05%, whereabouts-J gained 47. 95 percent.Other survey organizations that declared Parabola- Hat as the winner were National Survey Institute (LSI) and the Indonesian Voice Network (SSI). These different quick count results were followed by announcement of victory by both candidates, which was the first time in Indonesia history, both competing candidates claimed as the winner. Moreover, supporters of both cam ps had celebrated their victories in separated places. Parabola's withdrawal from election process Another surprising event happened on July 22, 2014, when General Elections Commission was announcing the recapitulation of the presidential election results.While the recapitulation was still ongoing, Parabola announced that he had withdrawn his presidential candidacy after denouncing the election process as undemocratic. The consolidation of political parties supporting Parabola and their actions in Parliament Competition between Parabola and Kiowa did not stop when the General Elections Commission stated that Kiowa-Koala was the winner of the presidential election. Parabola along with his supporting parties filed an election disputes to Constitutional Court, though the court finally rejected their petition.In parliament, the parties that were supporting Parabola also took several actions that made Indonesian politics became unstable. They asked the Parliament legalize the draft of a Law regarding the local elections. In this new law, direct elections for provincial governors, district chiefs and mayors were eliminated, replaced by appointment by local elected legislatures. There were many opinions from local or international institutions aid that this was a big hit for Indonesian democracy. Indonesian democracy that had been growing in SUB era, was experiencing a substantial setback.The most noticeable effects might be the impacts on the price of stock in Indonesian Stock Exchange. Just after those events happened, the market responded. The responses can be reflected on the chart of Composite Index (JOKE) for the last 6 months. Figure 1 . Composite Index (JOKE) Source: finance. Yahoo. Com Just after the presidential election day, the index was increasing, from 4,800 to more than 5,050. Some analysts argued that it was one of Kiosk's effects. Despite there were some quick counts that stated that the winner wasParabola, since the reputation and credibility of tho se survey organizations were questionable, market believed that Kiowa would win the presidential election. On the day when General Elections Commission was announcing the recapitulation of the presidential election results, the index was slightly decreasing. It might be influenced by Parabola's statement that he had withdrawn from the election process. This statement was perceived as sign of the upcoming political instability in Indonesia. Moreover, on that day, Parabola clearly stated that there was systematic violation of democracy inducted by General Elections Commission.The clearest evident how market reacted to the political condition might be reflected on the price of stock following what happened in the Parliament in the first week of October. After the Parliament passed the law regarding local elections, which automatically eliminated direct elections for local governments, the stocks dropped significantly. Many political analysts stated that by eliminating direct elections, Indonesian democracy had moved backwards. Golden Agric Resources stock, seemed to follow the market price in general.Its price also creased after what happened in Parliament in early October. Figure 2. Golden Agric Resources Stock Price Source: Source: finance. Yahoo. Com 4. CONCLUSION Political conditions in a country is an important factor in industry. The influence is channeled through the expectation of business players in the market. When the condition in a country is stable, investors are likely to be willing to invest their money in that country. On the other hand, political instability might frighten investors to put their money in a country, resulting â€Å"sell-actions† that eventually pushes the stock price.This condition happened in Indonesia recently, following the presidential elections that was won by Kiowa-Koala, resulted in the decreasing Of most stock price in Indonesian Stock Exchange, including the stock price of Golden Agric Resources. However, there is still optimism about political condition in the future. Kiowa;Kali have an important role to stabilize the political condition and create supporting environment for business. On the other hand, industry might also have to adapt with the changes happen.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

To Study Swot Analysis for Portfolio Management Services Offered by Sharekhan Ltd.

SUMMERY In today’s business environment many of stockbroker’s offers PMS (Portfolio Management Services). While observing the business environment of Stockbrokers the main business is how they offer low brokerage and better services to the clients. In this context an attempt is made to study the SWOT analysis of PMS (Portfolio Management Services) offered by SHREKHAN Ltd. Which highlights what are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of PMS (Portfolio Management Services) offered by SHREKHAN Ltd. as compare to other competitors offered this scheme. Also take the interview of 100 clients and observe what the expectations about the PMS (Portfolio Management Services) are offered by SHREKHAN Ltd TABLE OF CONTENTS ? Acknowledgments †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Abbreviations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? An Executive Summary †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Industry Profile†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Company Profile†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Market share of Share khan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Introduction to project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Hypothesis of the Project †¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Objectives Project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Limitations of the Project†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Research Methodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Empirical Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. ? Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Abbreviation AMC:Annual Maintenance charges. BSE:Bombay Stock Exchange. DP:Depository participant. IPO:Initial Public Offer. MCX:Multi Commodity Exchange. MT:Management Thesis. NAV:Net Asset Value. NCDEX:National Commodity and derivatives Exchange. NCFM:National Stock Exchange Certification In Financial  services. NFO:New Fund Offer. NSE:National Stock Exchange. PMS:Portfolio Management Services. SEBI:Security Exchange Board of India. Industry Profile By 1830's business on corporate stocks and shares in Bank and Cotton presses took place in Bombay, there were only half a dozen brokers recognized by banks and merchants during 1840 and 1850. In 1860-61 the number of brokers increased to about 200 to 250. In 1895, the Stock Exchange acquired a premise in the same street and it was inaugurated in 1899. Thus, the Stock Exchange at Bombay was combining. Trading Pattern of the Indian Stock Market Trading in Indian stock exchanges is limited to listed securities of public limited companies. They are broadly divided into two categories, namely, †¢ Specified securities (forward list) †¢ Non-specified securities (cash list). A member broker in an Indian stock exchange can act as an agent, buy and sell securities for his clients on a commission basis. National Stock Exchange (NSE) The National Stock Exchange was incorporated in 1992 by Industrial Development Bank of India, ICICI, all Insurance Corporations, selected commercial banks and others. Trading at NSE can be classified under two broad categories: (a) Wholesale debt market and (b) Capital market. Wholesale debt market operations are similar to money market operations – institutions and corporate bodies enter into high value transactions in financial instruments such as government securities, treasury bills, public sector unit bonds, commercial paper, certificate of deposit, etc. There are two kinds of players in NSE: 1. Trading members and 2. Participants. Recognized members of NSE are called trading members who trade on behalf of themselves and their clients. Participants include trading members and large players like banks who take direct settlement responsibility. India's oldest and first stock exchange is Bombay Stock Exchange which is established in 1875. More than 6,000 stocks listed in BSE. Totally there are 22 stock exchanges in India. They are located in Ahmadabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi etc. There is also a National Stock Exchange (NSE) which is located in Mumbai. There is also an Over the Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI) which allows listing of small and medium sized companies. The regulatory agency which oversees the functioning of stock markets is the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which is also located in Bombay Overview of Company Sharekhan is a firm, which is working under SSKI (S. S. Kantilal Ishwarlal Securities Ltd. ). SSKI was founded in 1922. SSKI is One of India’s Oldest Brokerage Houses Having Eight Decades of Experience into: ? Institutional Broking ? Investment Banking ? Retail Broking It is one of the Founding members of the Stock Exchange, Mumbai and Pioneer Institutional Broker. SSKI Entered into Retail Broking in 1985. Share khan is the Retail Broking Arm of the BIG 80 Years old organization i. e. of SSKI and â€Å"Sharekhan† is the Brand Name given to its Retail Business. SSKI carries out its Retail Broking Activities under â€Å"Sharekhan† Brand Name. Sharekhan Outlets act as Full Service Investment Solutions Provider, providing you wide range of services like – ? Equity & Derivatives Trading on NSE and BSE ? Online Trading ? Commodities Trading on MCX & NCDEX ? Portfolio Management Services ? Depository Services ? IPO Services ? Wide Range of Customized Research Products ? Uniform Service Standards Offerings of the Sharekhan: – Sharekhan offers both Offline and online trading account. But now a days it mostly concentrates on online trading account through which a customer can buy and sell shares in an instant from any part of the globe trough website. It does not take into account any type of physical restriction of going to the broker for carrying out a transaction or any type of settlement of payment. It facilitates the customer a speedy and hassle free transaction. Share khan’s product consists of a 4-in-1 concept, which integrates: †¢   D-mat Account †¢ Trading Account †¢ Bank Link †¢ Dial-N-Trade For doing a trading of shares everyone need D-mat A/C. In his D-mat A/C one can keep his shares. Then Sharekhan provides a Trading A/C  . Through this trading account, a Sharekhan customer can directly transfer his funds from his savings account i. e. from bank account to Sharekhan to his trading account without any paper work. He can buy and sell shares from the website and also view the market prices of the shares he trades on the terminal. Sharekhan. com allows trading at present only on NSE. BSE trading will be shortly available. To open an account a customer requires filling up a form consisting of 12 agreements, a passport size photograph, a residential proof, a photo id proof and a cheque drawn of respective amount in favor of S. S. Kantilal Ishwarlal Securities Pvt. Ltd. & From 22 March, 2007  cheque is drawn in favor of Sharekhan Ltd. itself. After opening an account with Sharekhan, a customer will be given User id, Membership password and trading password, which will enable him to access his account and trade. Products of â€Å"SHAREKHAN†: – Sharekhan offers 2 types of products according to the volume-based requirements of the investors that are as follows:  Ã‚   CLASSIC ACCOUNT: †¢ This account allows the client to trade through the website and is suitable for the retail investors. Here maximum scripts that can be shown on the terminal are only 25. Also the technical charts are not available. †¢ It’s a JAVA BASED APPLET, which allows trading only through website and see latest prices of the scripts of your choice which is attached below. †¢ This account also allows trading in Derivatives. †¢ The lifetime registration charge for this account is Rs. 750 and there is no constraint of minimum turnover. SPEED TRADE ACCOUNT: – o This is ideal for active traders who transact frequently during day’s trading session to capitalize on intra-day price movements. Speed trade is Internet-based application based software, which is available on a CD, which provides everything a trader needs on one screen, thereby, reducing the time required to execute a trade. o Speed trade offers a tick-by-tick update on stock price movements with market depth and intra-day chart and lets the client do his own stock/technical analysis. o While the Lifetime charge for this account is Rs. 1000 /- with a minimum brokerage of Rs. 1500 /- to be generated each quarterly. OFF LINE SERVICES- ? In this Dmats A/C is open in Rs 350/- ? In this trader has to come in office for trading. Bank Connection: – Sharekhan has affiliation with 8 banks, which allows its customers to enjoy the facility of instant credit and transfer of funds from his savings bank account to his Sharekhan trading account. The affiliated banks are as follows:   ? HDFC BANK ? UTI BANK ? CITI BANK ? ICICI BANK ? OBC BANK ? UNION BANK ? INDUSLAND BANK ? IDBI BANK DIAL-N-TRADE: – It is also an exclusive service available to all Sharekhan customers for trading in shares via the telephone. On dialing the toll free number 1800-22-7500 the customer will be directed to a tele-broker who will buy or sell shares for him. After Hour Orders: – Sharekhan customers also enjoy the facility of placing orders even after the trading hours, and the orders are executed as soon as the market opens. Brokerage:- †¢ It is one of the important things, which are observed by the customer while opening a D-mat A/C. †¢ For Intraday Transactions they charge 0. 05 % on each leg Transaction. †¢ For Delivery Transactions they charge 0. 50 % on each leg Transaction. & †¢ For Derivatives Transactions they charge 0. 05 % on each leg Transaction. Trade in Commodity: – Sharekhan also trade in commodities like Bullion: Gold / Silver and Agricultural commodities through Sharekhan Commodity Pvt. Ltd. which are a wholly owned subsidiary of its parent SSKI. Research Team of Sharekhan: – Research and in-depth knowledge of markets provide better than speculations or reacting to rumors. Research team provides knowledge to their customers about market condition. †¢ In morning they provide â€Å"Eagle Eye† which tells about how the market will be in whole day. †¢ In afternoon they provide â€Å"High Noon† which tells that up to that time how was the market and what about the remaining time what will be the condition of the market. †¢ After the market they analyze the market summery of the whole day and give idea about next day market. Mobile-N-Trade facility: – Now Sharekhan is providing the facility that their customers can do trading with the help of their mobile handset. For that purpose they have to pay some extra charge to activate that facility. Importance of the research to the Organization: – 1) The organization get’s the competitive information about the pricing strategy of their competitor’s. 2) Through that they can establish their new pricing strategy to gain competitive advantage. 3) They came to know the effects of using the pricing strategy in the market. Location of company: SHAREKHAN Limited Cross Land, 1204/22, J M Road, Opposite Shambhaji Park, Shivajinagar, Pune, 411005 Phone No. :  020 25520002 Way to Share Khan (JM Road, Pune) Products of Sharekhan:- 1) Stock broking (NSE,BSE) 2) F & O broking (Future and option) 3) PMS (Portfolio Management Services) 4) Commodity trading 5) Insurance 6) Mutual fund 7) Pan card 8) IPO (Initial public offer) |Sharekhan Services | |Sharekhan, one of India's leading brokerage houses, is the retail arm of  SSKI. With over 510 share shops in 170 cities, and India's premier online trading | |portal www. sharekhan. com, our customers enjoy multi-channel access to the stock markets. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Introduction The project assigned is â€Å"TO Study SWOT Analysis For Portfolio Management Services Offered By SHAREKHAN Ltd. In JM Road, Pune†. The purpose of project is to understand Portfolio Management Services, its function, terms involved in and types of Portfolio Management Services. And also study competitors PMS Services in this way that to help the company in its day-to-day work. I worked with the company as a management trainee in SHAREKHAN ltd. Hypothesis 1. People those have large excess money interested in investing in PMS. 2. Retail investors are also now take interest in this scheme. 3. PMS scheme does not have more impact on sales revenue of SHAREKHAN. OBJECTIVE ? To study Portfolio Management Services Offered By SHAREKHAN Ltd. To understand Portfolio Management Services and its importance. ? To study various types of Portfolio Management Services ? To know about the Portfolio Management Services Offered by competitors of SHAREKHAN Ltd ? To understand and know various term s used in and process used in Portfolio Management Services in market. ? Make the SWOT analysis of Portfolio Management Services offered by SHAREKHAN Ltd. LIMITATIONS While completing this project following limitations are occurred: ? Graphical Constraint: – ? Wrong Mind Set about Share Market: – ? Lack of awareness: – ? Lack of Money: – Methodology This project is Descriptive type of the project. In this project I considered only the part of pricing strategy of the organization, and I also studied the topic of my Management Thesis from angle of 360 degree. This project comes under the Formal Research in which objectives are clearly defined and where researcher gathers whole information about all aspects of the project. There is a formal procedure to conduct research; I followed following steps of methodology to conduct the research, Identifying & Defining Problem Planning the Research Design Selecting a Research Method Selecting a Sampling Procedure Data Collection Evaluating the Data Preparing the Research Report Sources of the Information: – While collecting the data for project two types of Sources are used. 1. Primary sources : – In this, data is collected directly from respondents using questionnaire, direct observation & interview techniques. So for this purpose I visited 150 people in the JM Road, Pune. I interviewed them and asked them various questions related to my project and try to find out the actual result 2. Secondary sources: – In this type of data collection I used the information which is already collected by some other person or in printed form before I collected. Sources of secondary data include websites, books, Internet, Journals and also the pamphlets, and the broachers made by the company for their advertisement, etc. I used above methodology & data sources for my project by following steps What is PMS (Portfolio Management Services)? Meaning of PMS The word portfolio means a set or group or combination of securities held by and investor. And the word management means to conduct or manage in a proper way. Thus it means managing of share in a proper way expecting the risk and return. Portfolio Management is the process of selecting a bundle of securities that will provide the investing organization a maximum yield for a given level of risk or alternatively ensure minimum risk for a given level of return. A portfolio is defined a s the composite set of ownership rights to financial assets in which the investor wishes to invest. Portfolios are, thus, composed of securities. It means manages your money by fund manager. It just like Invest your money in PMS, sit back and do nothing. † Advantages of investing in PMS V/s Mutual Fund †¢ You have greater control over the asset allocation, whereas it is automatic in a mutual fund. †¢ The portfolio can be customized to suit your risk-return profile †¢ The portfolio man ager has relatively greater flexibility to move in and out of cash as and when required depending on the market view. †¢ Typically, charges are lower and more transparent in PMS vis a vis a Mutual Fund †¢ Holdings not impacted by entry / exit of the investors. How Sharekhan Manages Portfolio? Sharekhan portfolio Management Services ? Protech ? Proprime ? Proarbitrage [pic] A Trading based portfolio management scheme :- Sharekhan introduces a PMS Protech for- a client with higher risk profile using the tenents of Technical Analysis. Product Offerings 1. Nifty Thrifty 2. Beta Portfolio 1. Nifty Thrifty:- Nifty futures are bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that generates calls to go long / short. The exposure never exceeds value of portfolio i. e. there is no leveraging; but being short in Nifty allows you to earn even in falling markets and there by generates linear returns. Features of Nifty thrifty: o Nifty futures are bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that generates calls to go long / short. The exposure will never exceeds the value of the portfolio i. e. no leveraging; but will allow to be short in Nifty in falling market therefore allowing the client to earn irrespective of the market direction. o The balance money will be invested in Liquid Funds o Money management rules will be in place to see th at the capital is not eroded. 2. Beta Portfolio:- Stocks in long term technical up trends are identified at various inflection points in their trading cycles. 80% of the portfolio is traded in delivery of such stocks. 20% is used in creating and options book i. e. buying calls/puts of the index / stocks to increase the portfolio beta and hedge against pitfalls. Features of Beta Portfolio: Stocks in long term technical up trends are identified at various inflection points in their trading cycles o 80% of the portfolio is traded in delivery of such stocks. o 20% is used in creating and options book i. e. buying calls/puts of the index / stocks to increase the portfolio beta and hedge against pitfalls. o The use of timing for delivery and options for a higher beta will attempt to offer a superior rate of returns by taking a risk only 20% of the capital. o Money management rules will be in place to see that the capital is not eroded. o Portfolio rebalancing may be conducted between the cash and options segments based on the profitability of each segment. Product characteristics: Using swing/momentum based index trading systems with stop/reverse trend following. ? Investor get the best of worlds by: ? Having positions in cash and options ? Delivery positions enable profit maximization, while options position offered high beta short term profit in the same portfolio. ? Low impact cost. Product details: †¢ Minimum investment Rs. 5 Lakh †¢ Lock in for 3 months †¢ Fortnightly reporting of Portfolio Net Worth †¢ Monthly reporting of Portfolio Holdings/Transactions †¢ 20% profit sharing fees on booked profits quarterly basis †¢ 5% discount on profit sharing fees [to 15%] for investment of 1 crore OR lock in of 1 year. †¢ 0% AMC fees Brokerage 0. 05% for derivatives and 0. 30% for delivery. Nifty futures will be bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that will generate calls to go long/short. The system has been test ed over the last 20 years of data  and  performance has been very good [details or returns v/s risk are available  for interested investors]. The portfolio's exposure will never exceed the value of the portfolio, i. e. there shall be no leveraging. But the strategy will allow us to go short/hedge on Nifty in falling markets, thereby yielding returns irrespective of the market direction. The portfolio will either be long or short at all point time. Nifty Thrifty: | |Nifty futures are bought and sold on the basis of an automated trading system that generates calls to go long/short. The | |exposure never exceeds value of portfolio i. e. there is no leveraging; but being short in Nifty allows you to earn even in | |falling markets and there by generateslinear | Product offerings: 1. The Aggressive Scheme: Ideal for investors looking at higher returns with high risk appetite. This portfolio consists of high growth stocks fulfilling any of the following conditions: ? Expected growt h in profitability Turn around and corporate restructuring enabling value unlocking ? Relatively low valuation ? Mid to small cap companies 2. The Balanced Scheme: Ideal for investors looking at steady returns with low risk appetite. This portfolio consist of blend of quality blue chip and growth stocks ensuring a balance portfolio with relatively medium risk profile. Product approach: Investments are based on 3 tenets: I. Consistent, steady and sustainable returns II. Margin of safety III. Low volatility Product characteristics: ? Bottom up stock selection ? In-depth, independent fundamental research ? High quality companies with sustainable competitive advantage ? Disciplined valuation approach applying multiple valuation measures ? Medium to long term vision, resulting in low portfolio turnover Product details: ? Minimum investment: Rs. 5 lakh ? Lock in: 3 months ? Reporting: Online access to portfolio holdings, monthly reporting of portfolio holdings/transactions ? Charges: 2. 5% per annum AMC fees charged every quarter, 0. 5% brokerage, 20% profit sharing after 15% hurdle is crossed- chargeable at the end of the fiscal year. Product offerings: Cash-future Arbitrage: it spots risk free opportunities that yield greater returns than conventional risk free products. On spotting the opportunity, the stock is bought and future is sold to lock in the spread. Position is liquidated if the spread things before time or on expiry, whichever comes earlier. In this manner, the scheme moves from one opportunity to another. Product approach: There is an inherent opportunity in the spread that lies between cash and futures. When the spread is high stocks are bought; at the same time futures are sold to lock in the difference which is then bound to be zero at expiry. Product characteristics: Risk Free: On the whole, it is risk-free and can be compared to RBI bonds and GILT funds. High Returns: As compared to other zero risk products, it offers roughly an 8% post tax returns. Product details: ? Minimum Investment: Rs. 5 lakh ? Lock in: 3 months Reporting: fortnightly for portfolio net worth, monthly for portfolio holdings/Transactions ? Charges: 0. 035% brokerage for cash,0. 075% for delivery SWOT ANALYSIS Of PMS (Portfolio Management Services) offered by SHAREKHAN Ltd. Strengths In Sharekhan’s PMS (Portfolio Management Services) It has a pr oduct like NIFTY THRIFTY. It is the big strength for Sharekhan, because Sharekhan is only the license holder of NIFTY THRIFTY. Generally investors give more preference to this product because it works on the TECHNICAL basis and gives maximum returns is just about 40%. It is the maximum returns that no other product gives this much of returns to investors. The other product i. e. BETA Portfolio which works on Fundamental level. In this product 80% of the portfolio is trade in the Delivery basis and the remaining 20% is trade in Option basis i. e. buying calls/puts. so investors gets fixed returns. So the product ProTech is very big strength of the Sharekhan Ltd. Weaknesses Sharekhan’s other products ProPrime and ProArbitrage does gives as much business as ProTech. In this two products risk is low and the returns are also steady or low. In this scheme money of investors invested in RBI Bonds and GILIT funds, in this way though as compare to other zero risk products, it offers roughly 8% post tax returns. So generally because of this investors are not prefere to invest their money in this scheme. Because of large investment in PMS (Portfolio Management Services) it is minimum 5 lakh Investors does not take interest in such scheme. Sharekhan does not have the product of small investment, under 5 lakh that the retail investors also take interest in PMS (Portfolio Management Services). Opportunities As per mention above only Sharekhan has the license to operate ProTech which includes NIFTY THRIFTY and BETA portfolio so investors does not have any other option for investing there money if they want to invest in ProtTch. So this is proved as a very big opportunity for Sharekhan to capture the market and to get the customer as far as ProTech is concern. As per the studies the retail investors are taking interest in investing in PMS. Because in PMS the portfolio is managed as a individual basis. In PMS services there is a fund Manager who manages our portfolio. So now retail investors are also take part in PMS services. So it will be opportunity for Sharekhan to increase their business and will take market lead. Threats In Pune Kotak and Motilal Oswal are the good competitors of Sharekhan. Because Kotak has a 12 years experience in PMS services , they have good products like Sharekhan . The second competitor is Pukhraj Securities because they provide the PMS scheme which has the minimum investment Rs 2, 00,000/- And Sharekhan has the products which has minimum investment Rs. , 00,000/-So Pukhraj also become a good competitor for Sharekhan. Second the entries of Reliance in stock broking will defiantly create a problem for Sharekhan. Market share of different stock broker for PMS in Pune [pic] The market share for PMS in Pune is captured by Kotak more than Sharekhan as well as other stock brokers. It is leading be cause Kotak provide this service from more than 12 years. Sharekhan started this scheme from 2003. In very short period it also captures market and highly competes with Kotak. And put back to the others. [pic] Because of higher investment requisition such as minimum investment is of Rs. 5,00,000/- in PMS so the no of investors are less than other products. [pic] After taking the 100 client’s interview the result is derived as out of 100 investors 35 are go for sharekhan to invest their money. The second on the rank is Kotak. So it is proved that the PMS scheme provided by sharekhan is more preferred by investors. Conclusion After the studies I have concluded that if company provides the better product as well as schemes not only high class or higher income group will invest but the middle income group is also take interest in investing their money in share market. Only because of one best product and scheme if company launches it can be a market leader for that and will captures the more share of market. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books: – Financial Management Textbook. ? Marketing management Textbook. ? Sip student’s Manual Book. Pamphlets Printed by Various Stock Broking Firms. Web Sites: – ? www. Sharekhan. com ? www. MoneyControl. com ? www. Kotak. com ? www. AnandRathi. com ? www. MotilalOswal. com ? www. ICICIDirect. com ———————– I understand objectives of my management thesis. I prepared questionnaire to collect primary data from customers. I used data collection techniques like questionnaire & interviews. I compiled collected data using excel sheet. I analyzed collected data using various tools & graphical way. I draw conclusion from collected data & make report on it. Pune

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Best Thing to Do for Your Writing

The Best Thing to Do for Your Writing I saw this in a recent blog post, and when I eagerly delved into the piece, it instead listed items without weight to the suggestions. The blogger interviewed several authors and asked them what they considered to be the single most important item to do to improve your writing. I didnt see mine, and the others said things like pick the right POV, work on dialogue, take an acting class, respect plot. . . which might as well have been just an outline for a writing class. Of course what you take to heart as the most important thing might depend on what your strengths and weaknesses are, but to me, theres only one thing that encompasses novice and seasoned writers. Read and study good, published writing. Whats good? Well, that can be interpreted in several ways, but all must be contingent upon what you want for your own writing. 1) Do you want to sell books? Then read successful books that sold thousands of copies. 2) Do you want to write fantastic mysteries with great twists? Then read mysteries noted for such. 3) Do you want pulse-pounding romance that doesnt sound trite? Then seek strong romance writers. 4) Do you wish to complicate your plot? Find complicated plots. 5) Do you want dialogue that dances on the page and requires no tags to identify the characters? You know what to do. In other words, follow the masters. Some may say that means only bestsellers. Some say that neglects a lot of indie material. Nope. . . it doesnt, on both counts. Regardless of how its published, a book is good or it isnt. Sure, theres opinion laced in there, but when the majority of a books readers love it, and the reviews say why, then you have your markers, and who printed it doesnt matter. What about those books that arent known? Then my suggestion to the authors is to get them known. Is your writing truly remarkable? Then work on distribution and reviews. Do articles, interviews, and speaking engagements to demonstrate your abilities. Is it easy? Hell no. Its not supposed to be. It cant be. Good writing, and the good writer behind that writing, has to fight to be recognized. Whether thats going traditional and fighting to be embraced But I stand my mantra that the best way to improve your writing is to read good books. . . books that make you wish youd written them.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Glorious Adventure essays

A Glorious Adventure essays In the article A Glorious Adventure, the author Patricia Schofler explicates the passion seen in Winifred Sweets journalism. Schofler writes about Winifred Sweets struggle and triumph to become one of the leading ladies of journalism. The author tells of her small beginnings that lead to an inevitable huge influence of the journalism world today. The author explores Sweets humble beginnings as a writer only focused on flower shows, to intriguing political articles that lead to major impacts. The author tries to portray a positive outlook on a true heroine Patricia Schofler clearly has a deep interest in Winifred Sweets influence on journalism. The authors interest in Winifred Sweet is represented all throughout the article. The author exhibits this by her positive views. Schofler describes Sweets writing vivid enthusiasm, the same drive, instincts, and ability to dissect the heart in an era of sensuous and impassioned journalism...(A,35). Schofler further presents this by writing She was shrewd, talented, and audacious, qualities indispensable in the age of yellow journalism (A,30). Schoflers interest towards Sweet submits a positive view to her readers. This in turn reflects Schoflers biased outlook towards Sweet. A Glorious Adventure, mentions very positive effects of Sweets writings. This was shown when she inspired the citys school children to raise money for a hospital wing for incurables (C,32). It is evident that the author does not express anything negative about Winifred Sweet. Seldom, Schofler mentions her two failed marriages and deaths of her children, but they dont Patricia Schoflers writing takes the reader to different aspects of ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How to Get into Georgetown: Admissions Requirements

Only 14.5% of applicants are admitted. How can you improve your odds of getting in? Located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., Georgetown University is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit institute of higher learning in the United States. The university offers undergraduate programs in five of its schools, including : Georgetown also offers several special programs, including a joint-degree program with the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University, a science and engineering program in which students receive both an A.B. degree from Georgetown and B.S. degree from Columbia in five years. Students may also apply to the Baker Scholars Program, founded by George F. Baker in 1973 to cultivate young business leaders, in their sophomore year. What does it take to get into this prestigious university? Read on to find out. Students must use Georgetown’s application to apply. According to the admissions department, it will take you approximately 15 minutes to fill out your basic information, which initiates the interview process (a representative will contact you to schedule your interview). Other required application materials include: Georgetown strongly recommends submitting the results of three SAT Subject Tests ; you should assume that this is a requirement except in very rare circumstances and choose tests that best correlate to your strengths and intended areas of study. You may also submit additional materials showcasing your music, theater, dance, and studio art talents. Of the 22,897 students who applied for a position in the class of 2022, 3,327 (14.5%) were admitted . This represents a record-low admissions rate for the university. Of the admitted students, 1,700 submitted enrollment deposits. Specific waitlist information is not available, although last year, the university only admitted students applying to the School of Nursing and Health Sciences from its waitlist. The breakdown of standardized test scores for admitted students by school is as follows: Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. As with most highly selective colleges and universities, a stellar academic record is a must in order to be admitted to Georgetown. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg, since many candidates have strong GPAs and standardized tests scores. Georgetown also values thoughtfulness, attention to detail, and strong character. The university was founded based on religious values; that doesn’t mean you must be Catholic to attend—many students aren’t—but you must demonstrate compassion, care, and strong character. That starts with your application. While it may seem tedious to fill out a separate application for one college, the adcom will notice the care and attention you’ve taken (or haven’t). Also, remember that all applicants are offered interviews , and you should take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate your character and personal attributes. Be sure to emphasize that you are intellectually curious and engaged by discussing personal projects you’ve undertaken, research you’ve conducted, or other activities in which you’ve engaged in and out of the classroom. Diversity is another element Georgetown weighs heavily in the admissions process. Consider its essay prompt : As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you. (1 page, single-spaced, or approximately 300-400 words depending on font size) This is an opportunity to demonstrate what makes you unique. Diversity does not just mean you come from an underrepresented minority background; it can also mean that you bring special talents, such as an interesting extracurricular or out-of-the-ordinary experience, to the class. While some schools within Georgetown have higher admissions rates and SAT scores than others, that doesn’t mean you’ll have a better chance of acceptance if you apply to one over another. Many of these schools are self-selecting, and the adcom will consider your qualities and demonstrated interests as they align with that school. Show the adcom that you are passionate about your future course of study by applying to the appropriate school. Before you apply, make sure your final list is well-balanced among safety, target, and reach colleges . This will increase your chances of being admitted to a good-fit school. Being denied admission is disappointing, but it’s a tough reality in college admissions. It’s important to take a step back and regroup. If you get rejected from Georgetown, here’s what you can do: Even if Georgetown was your top choice, chances are, you’ll find a way to make a college that did accept you work. College really is what you make of it, and if you put effort into adjusting to another school by joining clubs, working hard in your classes, and cultivating a social life, you’ll likely find that you can make a fulfilling college experience for yourself, even if you end up at a college that wasn’t your top choice. If you had your heart set on Georgetown or received bad news from the other colleges on your list, one option is to take a gap year and reapply next admissions cycle. Keep in mind that this is risky, and it’s often better to accept a spot at another college and take a gap year there. You can also consider transferring after you’ve matriculated elsewhere, although the acceptance rate for transfers is low ; in 2017, for example, 2,175 students who matriculated at other colleges applied for transfer, and 364 were accepted, for an admission rate of 17%. You must excel at your original college in order be accepted as a transfer student; the average college GPA for transfers was 3.83 in 2017. If you do decide to take a gap year, make sure you have a productive plan for the year. You might undertake a research project, volunteer, study to improve your SAT scores, or take classes non-matriculated at a local college.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Ideology Of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Research Paper

The Ideology Of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - Research Paper Example They employ the vicious Hudud punishments in enforcing sharia laws in the areas they control in Iraq and Syria. The Jihadist group is also known as the â€Å"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant† (ISIL) and controls an unrecognized state and caliphate in the Middle East. ISIS originated from the almost fallen Al-Qaeda. The Al-Qaeda who embarked on the arbitrary and brutal treatment of civilians tried to ignite a sectarian war to the majority Shia community in 2006 under Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The ignition was almost a success after they bombed a Shia shrine, Al-Askariya Mosque, in Samarra sparking retaliatory attacks. Their leader was however killed and the group was nearly destroyed (Charles River Editors, 2014, 10). When the US forces left Iraq, a ‘third generation’ of Al Qaeda emerged. Rebranding their name to Islamic State in Iraq, 2006 saw the birth of this new generation of Al Qaeda. They would later add and Syria to the name to complete the name ISIS. The Shia-dominated government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, they claimed, starved resources and excluded the Sunnis from a share of power. The new leader, Abu Omar al Baghdadi re-established the group’s influence through ideologies when Sunni senior political leaders were being arrested and people from the Sunni dissent suffered heavy-handed suppression (Charles River Editors, 2014, 16). In 2010, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was killed in a joint US-Iraq operation paving way for the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi governance. In 2013, ISI absorbed the Al-Nusra Front which was an Al Qaeda backed militant group in Syria. Al-Baghdadi named the group ISIS. Al-Nusra Front’s leader and Al Qaeda however later renounced the ties after months of infighting. The group then started taking control of cities starting with Mosul and Tikrit freeing prisoners and radicalizing young people. The group is both politically charged and still rules through Islam fanaticism.

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example It saves on pencil and paper, agrees Shane. The author makes a credible case because she does not just use facts, but the actual words of students interviewed. â€Å"With Smartphones, learning is a whole new experience,† she quotes a student. Smartphones are significant in the daily education of the American child. Author Sonia delves deep into the importance of Smartphones in health care. She observes that consumers are now increasingly using Smartphones to â€Å"collect vital information regarding health and storing it electronically†. They can use the gathered information to treat chronic diseases and prevent acute ones, without necessarily involving physicians. Jessop talks about the benefits of Smartphones in health, pointing out the fact that it provides them with tips on what to eat, monitor hypertension and diabetes and how they can work with some 90-health devices in the market. The Smartphone has all the health information pertaining to a patient stored in their personal health records (P.H.R). Although the project is growing slowly, observes the author, there will be positive developments in the future. The source is helpful because it shows that the American people can rely on Smartphones to know about diseases and their treatment; they can socialize and take control of

Identity Theft Statutes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Identity Theft Statutes - Assignment Example The statute includes the names of the contracting parties as well as the terms and conditions contract requirements (Catherine 2004, 48). Therefore, the status of fraud serves to protect the parties to the contract from deception by the other party if in case one of them decides to avoid performing either part or all of their liabilities in the agreement (Miller, Harvey & Parry 1998, p.364). Therefore, it is essential for the parties to ensure they include statues of frauds in their contract to ensure that effective discharge of their duties s a means of improving business performances and reduce the legal cases arising from the failure of contract performance. This report will explore the purpose of statutes of frauds and what it entails. It also explores the impact the statutes of fraud will have in a contract and when the parties to the contract may find it essential to establish statutes of frauds. In addition, the study will focus on conditions under which the statute of fraud may be ignored during the implementation of the contract. Finally, it will focus on the effects of court cases in the situation where the parties had signed statutes of contract by studying the court cases in which it was applied. The main significance of the statutes of fraud is to ensure there is evidence of the existence of a contract between parties and assure them of the performance of the contract (Catherine 2004, 48). Whereas the statutes were established to reduce the cases of deception among the contracting parties and provide evidence to the court when solving disputes the statutes does not cover most of the contracts especially the contracts of services which are accomplished in less than a year (James 2003, p. 18). The controversy in this requirement is that most of the contracts which do not fall within the statutes are the most rampant in day-to-day life.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hr proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hr proposal - Research Paper Example However, this dictatorial leadership style is not suitable for an organization that needs to enhance its capabilities and reach. For growth to take place, it is important for the leadership to not simply be about control, but understand the need to allow for other members of the organization to be as responsible for the achievement of goals as the management. A centric leadership structure can take away the culture of innovation and expression from an organization resulting in significant labour turnover as well as loss of productivity, due to dissatisfaction among the workforce. The key obstacle to any change in leadership comes from the top management itself. This is due to the control factor that has been exercised by these members that a change to the structure is regarded as a loss for the company. Leaders seldom wish to forego power that allows them to hold the ultimate control in the position they hold. The factor that is missing from the perception is that leaders are primarily the visionaries of organizations, and must leave the management to the other members of the organizations. Similarly, managers must pass along responsibilities in the labour line so as to increase the sense of belonging among the workforce, by harbouring a feeling of achievement in the overall workings of the organization. In order to manage and support the change, a collaborative approach must be undertaken by the management. This signifies an increase in involvement of all employees in the structuring of processes and procedures by the management, as well as allowing for a greater degree of understanding to be created regarding the vision and objectives of the organization. By understanding the needs of the employees, and bringing an open platform of communication, the management will be able to manage the change in culture that is to be established, while also creating a medium for the resolution of any conflict

Is digital marketing a force for good or evil Use academic references Essay - 2

Is digital marketing a force for good or evil Use academic references and practical examples to critically address this question - Essay Example Many firms have sought to improve their performance and reach their long term objectives with the aid of new technologies that have since been developed. Marketing sector has not been left out as many managers have been observed to be moving towards marketing strategies that integrate latest technological methods and systems that can largely help reach out to the targeted customers. Brand promotion is one of the areas that have embraced digital approach in marketing and a lot of questions ranging from ethical concerns, micro environmental issues to cooperation. A debate has ensued amongst various players in the socio-economic sector arguing whether digital marketing is good or evil based on the three aforementioned dimensions. This essay aims at critically weighing up both the positive and the negative attributes of digital marketing in order to conclusively take a stand whether it is good or evil. Thesis statement: digital marketing is both good and evil depending on how it is carri ed out. According to Evans and McKee (2010: 35), digital marketing is an element of electronic commerce or e-trading that utilises electronic devices to engage those they target. It is a marketing method that is supported by technology and cushioned by media. Internet is a major player in digital marketing and emails, websites, as well as social media, are used in reaching out to the target customers so they may be allured into purchasing the company’s products. Moreover, digital marketing encircles other electronic platforms that do not use internet such as the television, radio among others to promote businesses. In the recent times, the emergence and broadcasted influence of both social and electronic media have had a substantial Effect in the lives of the society members. People have turned from the analogue ways such as letter writing, poster adverts and other unsophisticated traditional

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Identity Theft Statutes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Identity Theft Statutes - Assignment Example The statute includes the names of the contracting parties as well as the terms and conditions contract requirements (Catherine 2004, 48). Therefore, the status of fraud serves to protect the parties to the contract from deception by the other party if in case one of them decides to avoid performing either part or all of their liabilities in the agreement (Miller, Harvey & Parry 1998, p.364). Therefore, it is essential for the parties to ensure they include statues of frauds in their contract to ensure that effective discharge of their duties s a means of improving business performances and reduce the legal cases arising from the failure of contract performance. This report will explore the purpose of statutes of frauds and what it entails. It also explores the impact the statutes of fraud will have in a contract and when the parties to the contract may find it essential to establish statutes of frauds. In addition, the study will focus on conditions under which the statute of fraud may be ignored during the implementation of the contract. Finally, it will focus on the effects of court cases in the situation where the parties had signed statutes of contract by studying the court cases in which it was applied. The main significance of the statutes of fraud is to ensure there is evidence of the existence of a contract between parties and assure them of the performance of the contract (Catherine 2004, 48). Whereas the statutes were established to reduce the cases of deception among the contracting parties and provide evidence to the court when solving disputes the statutes does not cover most of the contracts especially the contracts of services which are accomplished in less than a year (James 2003, p. 18). The controversy in this requirement is that most of the contracts which do not fall within the statutes are the most rampant in day-to-day life.  

Is digital marketing a force for good or evil Use academic references Essay - 2

Is digital marketing a force for good or evil Use academic references and practical examples to critically address this question - Essay Example Many firms have sought to improve their performance and reach their long term objectives with the aid of new technologies that have since been developed. Marketing sector has not been left out as many managers have been observed to be moving towards marketing strategies that integrate latest technological methods and systems that can largely help reach out to the targeted customers. Brand promotion is one of the areas that have embraced digital approach in marketing and a lot of questions ranging from ethical concerns, micro environmental issues to cooperation. A debate has ensued amongst various players in the socio-economic sector arguing whether digital marketing is good or evil based on the three aforementioned dimensions. This essay aims at critically weighing up both the positive and the negative attributes of digital marketing in order to conclusively take a stand whether it is good or evil. Thesis statement: digital marketing is both good and evil depending on how it is carri ed out. According to Evans and McKee (2010: 35), digital marketing is an element of electronic commerce or e-trading that utilises electronic devices to engage those they target. It is a marketing method that is supported by technology and cushioned by media. Internet is a major player in digital marketing and emails, websites, as well as social media, are used in reaching out to the target customers so they may be allured into purchasing the company’s products. Moreover, digital marketing encircles other electronic platforms that do not use internet such as the television, radio among others to promote businesses. In the recent times, the emergence and broadcasted influence of both social and electronic media have had a substantial Effect in the lives of the society members. People have turned from the analogue ways such as letter writing, poster adverts and other unsophisticated traditional

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Policing in Kelsey Essay Example for Free

Policing in Kelsey Essay In this paper, I will discuss the budget cuts on the City of Kelsey. The mayor has assigned me as a budget director to review and perform budget cuts on the City’s Police Department, due to a 15% budget cut on the City deficit. The state legislature wants to hire less Police Officers and build more prisons. The Police Department currently has an annual budget of $16,177,678. With the 15% budget cut, the mayor is requesting from the Police Department, that leaves a new annual budget of $14,236,356, a decrease of ,941,322. The major change that will affect the fiscal cycle of this budget year is the decrease in the hiring of Police Officers. The City of Kelsey was in the process of hiring 10 new Police Officers to fill the 10 position that were vacant, due to six retiring Police Officers and four Police Officers finding other employment. Now with the 15% budget cut, the City will not be filling these opened positions, thus saving the City $1,200,000. New vehicle and maintenance cost will also decrease, due to not hiring the new officers. Last fiscal year the City Manager allotted $150,000 for 5 new vehicles and maintenance cost for the hiring of the new Police Officers. As a budget director, I went to the Police Union and request a 10% cut in wages or freeze the wages until the next fiscal year, thus saving $300,000. Also cutting 16 paid holidays a year will save the City $400,000. The Police Union Committee advised the Union has only agreed to a 1% pay cut within the next fiscal year, which will save the City $30,000. The Committee has also agreed to 10 paid holidays a year instead of 16. This will save the City an annual $150,000 a year. The Chief of Police has agreed to cut the training budget by 80%. The City will save an annual budget of $125,000. With these cuts alone, the City will save $1,655,000 alone. Another proposal will cut community programs and events within the next fiscal year. The annual â€Å"Shop with a Cop† or â€Å"Trunk or Treat† is in the annual budget for $10,000. Domestic violence programs can also be cut saving the City an  annual budget of $50,000 a year. Finally, the City will cut all overtime pay for the reminding of the fiscal year, saving the City an estimate of $500.000. With all the above-mentioned budget cuts, the City will project to see a 10% increase in crime. First, not filling the 10 Police Officers position will decrease the number of Police Officer per shifts, thus running the shift at staff minimal. Running the shift at staff minimal will decrease response time to service calls. The Mayor and City Council requested a 5 to 7 minute response time to every service call last fiscal year. With the decrease in personal, a new projective response time will be 10 to 12 minutes. The city has a collective bargaining contract with the Police Union. The Police Union has agreed to a 1% pay cut. Per the collective bargain contract, the City will repay the 1% back at the beginning of the next fiscal year, plus the cost of living increase (7%). I, as the Budget Director will have to go back to the Police Union next fiscal year and asked for an additional pay cuts. Per the collective bargaining contract, the Police Union does not have to cut pay or other benefits that the city provides. If the Police Union does not cut pay next fiscal year, the city will be forced to cut more position instead. Which means fewer Officers per shift, and longer response times to calls. Cutting the domestic violence program that helped victims and offenders will increase the number of incident of domestic violence more than 30% over the next six months. The program-helped victims relocate to a safer environment. The program also helped offenders with counseling. With the shifts at staff minimal, a plan of assigning Officers to areas will have to be established. The City is broken up into three sectors. Sector 1 is the business community and normally requires 40 Officers per shift. Sector 2 is residually areas that normally require 40 officers per shift. Lastly, sector 3 is rural area of the city, and this area requires 10 officers per shift. With the decrease in staff and overtime, area command staffs will assets the needs of each area and assign officers as needed. A federal grant was proposed for an additional $300,000 per year for the next three years is now in the works. The federal grant is for community police programs. The final approval for the grant will take up to 90 days. Inclusion, the 15% budget cut in this year’s fiscal year was successful. Hopeful the economy gets better and next fiscal year is a huge success. The City of Kelsey will continue to grow and  be a safe community to live. Reference Kelsey Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 2005-06 (2012, Jan). Retrieved from aapd/cist/vop/ Government/KelseyCity/citygovernment.asp

Monday, October 14, 2019

Agri-Tourism Operations Management

Agri-Tourism Operations Management Introduction Agri-tourism is increasing in popularity, and is sought by many farmers as an alternative source of on-farm income. It is a popular concept among the European farmers for nearly a century [Busby Rendle 2000]. Defined as a tourist or recreation enterprise on a fully working farm, agri-tourism can include plenty of attractions, activities, accommodation, amenities etc. Two primary reasons are cited for the recent increase in agri-tourism development. The first reason is linked to a growing interest amongst tourists for on-farm experiences. The second primary reason for increasing agri-tourism development is the state of farming in modern society. Changes in farming practices make it increasingly difficult for farmers to support themselves solely through farming. It is for the latter reasons that Blackberry Hill Farm was developed as a tourist centre. However, the farm has been unable to cope with its overwhelming popularity, which has created a few complexities in the management of ev eryday operations. The overall objective of this report is to recommend changes to improve the day-to-day operations of Blackberry Hill Farm. Capacity Constraints Jim and Mandy Walker define very specific personal, family and business goals for Blackberry Hill Farm. Their goals are tied to a set of values concerning family, environment and community that have grown through time. Their challenge is to develop a whole farm strategy that, over a course of five, ten years or more, would live up to their values and goals, by taking advantage of their current business strengths and perceived market opportunities. While there are numerous potential advantages for Jim and Mandy in becoming involved in agri-tourism, the business is not without its potential risks and associated costs. From the case study, some of the frequently mentioned challenges relate to: Incurring unforeseen or prohibitive developmental and marketing costs Placing unforeseen and excessive demand on farm and community services and activities Providing only seasonal employment opportunities Creating unforeseen environmental and social impacts Given these concerns, it is imperative that Jim and Mandy take a proactive role in planning and managing the development of the farm. Short Term Operations Issues The pick-your-own operation initiated at the Blackberry Hill Farm has been a reasonable success primarily due to many operations related reasons. First, Jim and Mandy are relieved of the burden of finding and paying temporary seasonal labour at harvest time. Second, it overcomes the farmers distaste for direct sales and provides them with opportunities to think like customers. However, the popularity of such an operation will necessitate Jim and Mandy to rethink about plenty of operational issues such as creating adequate parking space, having restrooms and a safe entertainment area for children. Children are best kept away from the picking area as they contribute disproportionately to damaged crops. Attention to these basics will help build repeat sales for the Blackberry Hill Farm. Furthermore, pick-your-own operations are primarily meant to target families who do not have the space to grow their own seasonal vegetables. The mix of vegetables and fruits will depend on customersâ₠¬â„¢ tastes, which can be identified by the customers’ frequent visits to the farm. This also gives ample scope for the Walkers to introduce home delivery of their favoured hand picked fruit and vegetable for a nominal fee. Medium Term Planning and Control Another critical component of operations strategy involves the plan for filling resource gaps. Making changes in the existing resource may mean making better use of under utilized resources. For example, Tractor rides are extremely popular with the visitors, though the overall capacity in comparison with the number of visitors during peak times is extremely low. Since, the Walkers are reluctant to invest in expanding capacity of the tractor rides, it is recommended that they introduce guided and themed walks within the farm during peak times as this will slightly reduce queuing for the tractor rides. Furthermore, average length of stay in the preserving kitchen should be reduced to off-peak time. To counter this, the Walkers could introduce short films on the preserving kitchen in a dedicated screening area away from the kitchen. The same principle could be employed to the bakery to reduce the bottle necks. Furthermore, the case study illustrates there are parking problems during peak periods with complains from the local Police. To counter this, Blackberry Hill Farm should attempt to capitalize on the advantage of creating productive partnerships with local transport services to provide transport facilities to and from the farm to the nearest train and bus station during peak periods. This will not only encourage the visitors to use public transport, but will also ensure that there are reduced parking problems in the farm. Long Term Strategic Issues Porter (1996) argues that strategy is a set of activities in which an organization will excel to create a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. This competitive advantage can be to deliver greater value to customers than competitors or to provide comparable value at lower prices. Nevertheless, organizational strategies have to be continuously monitored to reflect the changes in the business environment and to weave these changes within the organizational competencies. As Porter (1996) rightly concedes, operational effectiveness and organizational strategy are equally essential for superior performance. A company can outperform the rivals if it can establish a difference that it can preserve and these differences are derived from various activities initiated by the organization in the process of manufacturing, marketing and selling. Furthermore, operational effectiveness is performing the same activities better than the rivals. The idea of developing a maize maze is a profitable option for long term planning and control and will help the farm with necessary revenue to further consolidate the farm’s activities. It will also help in developing Mandy’s idea of building up their business through organized school visits. To avoid occasional queues and to divert attention from other crowded attractions such as tractor rides and fixed exhibits within the farm, it is recommended that the maze is built a short distance away from the popular attractions such as fixed exhibits, petting zoo, pick-your-area, bakery, preserving kitchen etc. The maze in itself should keep the customers entertained for about two hours for a fee. Good crowd control, separate restroom facilities, refreshments and farm products to sell, will divert the queues away from crowding. Outdoor activities during summer months will make the customers thirsty. Ready-to-eat food and a selection of beverages that fits the farm’s theme will form an interesting part of the farm’s experience. Although, the case study illustrates that the farm has a bakery, cafà © and a preserving kitchen selling food products, small handcarts selling homemade ice-creams, people dressed in traditional farmers clothes selling fruits and sandwiches from farmers baskets, barbeque etc at vantage points within the farm will spread the visitors evenly, thereby reducing queues. Furthermore, improvements in inventory and storage management will help benefit the farm as a way to mitigate seasonal price and product declines. Since the farm shop at Blackberry Hill Farm is very profitable, investment in low-cost storage systems will help in preserving the produce and prolonging the marketing season. This will also help in retaining more permanent staff, rather than employing seasonal employees. Conclusion The development of agri-tourism in the recent years has increasingly created recreational and educational alternatives for citizens to have fun, to improve their quality of life and to satisfy the need of social interactions. In turn, the focus of traditional farm management is on operational effectiveness. Innovative strategies for agri-tourism business management need to be considered to maintain and create successful businesses. Understanding visitor needs and offering unique services and products to meet those needs are critical to the success of all businesses. In addition, careful study of who the visitors are and where they are coming from, as well as existing competitors, are essential. References Busby, G., Rendle, S. (2000). The Transition from tourism on farms to farm tourism. Tourism Management. 21. 635 – 642. Porter, M.E (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review. Nov/Dec. 74 (6). pp.61 – 78.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Emergence of the Computer and Art :: Technology Technological Essays

Emergence of the Computer and Art Some of the leading and by far most prolific participants involved in the production of art today have no limbs and no eyes. In fact, these participants lack blood, flesh, and other things which are necessary to the determination of a being as human; this is due to the fact that in these participants are neither humans nor beings, they are machines. One might ask how a machine could affect the artworld as a participant in the production or art, how such a machine could participate in the creation of art at all, and why no such machines existed in the past. On the first question, the answer lies in the second; if a machine is able to become a participant in the production of art then it is a natural state that the participant should have some influence upon the artworld via their product. A machine can be a participant in the production of art in the same numerous ways that a human can, for machines are entirely capable of mimicking many of the movements of man. A few machines have been participants in the production of art in the past, however a distinction must be drawn between participants and tools. Tools are used by humans to manipulate things in the world; participants may also be tools in this case, however they do enough without the direction of humans that it can be said that the machine is more like a servant or a slave than a tool. Tools need to be micromanaged by those that drive them, while participants need merely to be directed and will in time produce a product or a stage of a final product. Since the emergence of computing and other modern technologies there has been an increase in the number of tools which no longer need micromanagement and thus fit more closely the category of participant. In this paper will be discussed the blurring of lines between tool and participant by photo editing software and software that is capable of generating art. Blurring the Lines Between Tool and Participant : Photo Editing Software Supplementary Internet Source: editing 1.htm Examples of technology that enhances art can be seen in the evolution of photo editing software. With photo editing software, one can take a photo or any other digitized picture and change its qualities.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lessons Learned from Notes to a Native Son Essay -- James Baldwin

Realizing What Society Really Is Born in 1924, James Baldwin grew up in Harlem during harsh racism and the infamous Jim Crow laws. In addition to being surrounded by hate crimes and riots, Baldwin had a rough relationship with his father, who died when Baldwin was only nineteen. Twelve years after his father?s death, Baldwin wrote an essay, entitled ?Notes of a Native Son,? which described the events that took place around the time of his father?s death. Being one of his trademark talents, he also inserted periods of analysis while narrating the story. These insights, often reflections on his life and actions, illustrate the importance of learning to truly understand the society in which one lives in order to react appropriately to one?s current situation in life. James Baldwin noted at the beginning of his essay that he really began thinking about his life and his father?s life when his father passed (63). Just like most rebellious teenagers, he did not always understand his father?s intentions when he was being warned about drugs, white people in general, and other activities that he was specifically warned about and kept away from. Arguments were of course inevitable, and their relationship worsened because James Baldwin kept silent. In fact, the one time that he can remember when they had a real chat together was when his father asked him if he really wanted to write instead of being a preacher, like his father (80). Looking back on his childhood, James Baldwin realized that he did not really take any time to get to know his own father, and once he died it was too late. Baldwin also added some analysis about father and son relationships, noting that ?It seems to be typical of Ameri... a commonplace? (84). Back in the forties and fifties, and still today, life isn?t fair, and there still exists strong hatred between certain groups of people. Denial of the way society was or is prevents people from taking control of their lives and growing to become better people despite their respective situation. Baldwin described that personal growth as a continuing fight against those injustices by pushing for complete equality amongst everyone in one?s own life (84). Hatred and discrimination still exist today, but because so many people fought for equality over the past sixty years, changes have occurred to make the pain of realizing how society really was, and how it has become, more bearable. Works Cited Baldwin, James. ?Notes of a Native Son.? 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84.

Friday, October 11, 2019


The causes or pathogenesis are usually multiracial. Several risk factors can predispose to infection or initiate inflammation and subsequently the infectious process. Intact canal skin and cerement production have a protective effect against infections. This is secondary to the fact that cerement produces a pH in the ear canal that is slightly acidic. On the other hand, breakdown of skin integrity, insufficient cerement production, or blockage of the ear canal with cerement (which promotes water retention) can predispose to Infection.Skin Integrity can be Injured by direct aroma, heat, and moisture or persistent water In the ear canal. Such damage Is thought to be necessary for initiation of the inflammatory process. Subsequently, edema may result, followed by bacterial inoculation and overgrowth. In Otis External, the infection is caused by bacteria or fungi. Scratching, inserting objects into the ear canal, or moisture (from swimming, for example can make the ear canal vulnerable t o Infection.The external auditory canal is a cylinder measuring approximately 2. 5 CM in length and 7. 0 to 9. 0 mm in width, extending from the conchs' cartilage of the auricle to the humanity membrane . It Is divided Into a lateral (outer) cartilaginous portion that occupies approximately one-third of the canal and a medial (Inner) bony portion that occupies the remaining two-thirds. Their junction is termed the isthmus and is the narrowest region of the ear canal.The outer cartilaginous portion is lined by thicker skin with numerous addenda structures including cerement glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles. The inner bony portion of the canal contains thin skin without subcutaneous tissue. The dermis In this area Is In direct contact with the underlying peritoneum. Thus, minimal Inflammation or Instrumentation of the bony canal causes significant pain and/or Injury. The Inferior tympanis recess Is a small depression In the inferior medial aspect of the ear canal, adjacent to the tympanis membrane.Debris can collect in this area and cause or perpetuate infection. The lining of the ear canal is a exaggerating exogamous epithelium that undergoes continual sloughing. Epithelial migration is a naturally occurring cleaning process for the ear canal that allows egress of keratin debris and cerement. Epithelial migration begins in the center of the tympanis membrane and continues out to the medial, then lateral aspects of the ear canal.The ear canal is bound superiorly by the middle cranial Foss, interiorly by the temporariness's Joint and paranoid region, medially by the tympanis membrane, posterior by the mastoid cavity, and inferiorly by the skull base and soft tissues of the neck. These boundaries have particular importance when considering the potential complications of external Otis. The fissures of Sanatoria are a series of embryological fissures In the anterior aspect of the fissures also allow potential spread of ear canal disease to the paranoid r egion, temporariness's Joint, and soft tissue of the upper neck.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How to Get Rid of the Homeless

For many years we all witnessed the life the brutal life of homeless people, and for many years we try to figure out a way to get rid of them. So how can we prevent them from knocking on our car windows asking for spare change, holding up signs in our face, sleeping on our busy streets? How can we make them look decent like normal people? What if I tell you there are many solutions on how to get rid of these people or use them for good use? Let’s get to the obvious point, how do we get rid of them? Well we can just simply let them die. Yeah it might be too easy of a way to get rid of these people but that’s the point. With so many homeless people around, they may cause a lot of overpopulation. They serve no purpose here because they don’t even fit in the statistical reasons for overpopulation. They can’t get any jobs so why should they be here. It would make more sense if we just let them go to another place where there are no problems for them if you know what I mean. Another good way of getting rid of homeless people is by eating them, even small children. The small children would have the most nutritional meat. Their meat would be frozen because of the long winters spent outside. Florida is ranked 43 out of 50 in homeless children so you know what this means. This means we normal people won’t have to spend a dime at the grocery store, because we would have plenty of children to devour for many years to come. This would not only end child homelessness but it would also give us a tasty meal for life. If letting the homeless die is too cruel we can also use them to our benefit. What if I tell you that we can use them for good use? How can we make the A. S. P. C. A (The American Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals) happy? We all can use the homeless people facial hair as fur coats. We shave them and make their facial hair a sweater or blanket or fur coats. Now granted, it would probably smell but after you wash it a few times the smell probably won’t exist anymore. This will not only make us warm during the winter time but it will also make all animal rights activist happier. The purpose of my proposal was to give a better understanding on why we should get rid of and benefit from homeless people. There are many ways that homeless people can be useful or not to us. We can kill them to stop overpopulation or we can use their excessive hairs for our beneficial needs. This would make a huge difference in our world. I hope anyone who reads this proposal gets a better understanding of the meaning â€Å"The homeless voice†. ? Works Cited Smith, J. â€Å"Ten Year Plan. † http://www. endhomelessness. org/section/solutions/ten_year_plan. N. P. , 3 September 2009. Web. 6 Nov 2011. McGrath, J. â€Å"Ending Homlessness in america. † http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/1831995/ending_homelessness_in_america. html. N. p. , 24 June 2009. Web. 6 Nov 2011.